Posted December 25th, 2019 at 6:23 pmNo Comments Yet

An intimate portrait of one of the most influential persons in the world is put to film by director Fernando Meirelles.
The Two Popes (2019) attempts to humanize the papacy by sharing truth during intimate moments between Pope Benedict, played by Anthony Hopkins, and soon to be Pope Francis, played by Jonathan Pryce.
Meirelles takes a classical approach by using dialogue to explain the motives behind the leaders of the Catholic Church.
The narrative slowly unwinds initially as a contrast of two competing personalities as Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio (Pope Francis) travels to Vatican City to tender his resignation.
Meirelles shows how behind the position of authority is a person with values and beliefs that may differ slightly but distinctly among the Cardinals.
When a Pope is chosen, the choice is a real choice of different viewpoints that will ultimately leave a personal mark on the Catholic faith.
Hopkins performs the character of Pope Benedict as a staunchly conservative leader in contrast to the liberal style of the Argentine Cardinal Bergoglio.
Pope Benedict refused to accept the Cardinal’s resignation and instead helps him attain redemption.
Meirelles begins to use flashbacks to a second narrative, about half way through the film, to show the Cardinal’s younger years in Argentina during a dirty war between the government and civil rights leaders, including the priests and clergy, helping the politically oppressed and the poor.
Juan Minujin performs the young Bergoglio in the second narrative.
Cinematographer Cesar Charlone uses bright lighting to symbolize holiness and goodness during the theological dialogue between the two Popes. This attempt at atmosphere does not transfer well to the screen.
Charlone lights the back story of the dirty war in documentary style.
Meirelles explains time by showing the years pass by with the use of time titles in the middle of the screen when the titles are not really necessary.
Hopkins portrays the conservative pope as a bit of an oddity by wearing a training watch that tells him when to get up and walk around a bit for exercise and good health.
Hopkins also spends time at the piano while sharing a joke about contemporary music.
Pryce portrays the Cardinal as more personable, and a bit more charismatic, because of the requirement in his country of origin for everyone and anyone to love football and dance the tango.
Pryce also portrays Bergoglio as a staunch advocate for the poor by arguing for the regulation of the banks. Both Popes speak against the idolization of money.
The casting of Hopkins and Pryce together works well, even when awkwardly reconciling their differences while sharing pop and a pizza.
Hopkins at times looks and walks like Pope Benedict, with one eye half closed and the other eye doing the work of two.
The film underscores the importance of papal authority – to suffer and die in the job as a martyr of justice and truth following in the footsteps of Jesus.
Meirelles points out though that when 30,000 people are killed during a dirty war, the church has a limited role in political conflicts and the clergy feel as though they can never do enough for the people.
The Two Popes can be streamed on Netflix.