Posted March 7th, 2024 at 10:35 pmNo Comments Yet
United States President Joseph Biden, State of the Union Address to a Joint Session of Congress with Vice President Kamala Harris and House Speaker Mike Johnson presiding, Streamed on Paramount+ and hosted on CBS by Norah O’Donnell on Thursday, March 7, 2024, at 6 pm PST.
United States President Joseph Biden made the nation wait for his motorcade to arrive until 6:17 PM before being introduced to the House. And then Mr. President made the nation wait through another 10 minutes of glad handing before beginning the State of the Union Address to a Joint Session of Congress on Thursday March 7, 2024.
Biden was not just 27 minutes late, the President was almost a month overdue for the President’s annual address to the nation, usually given as legislative tradition whether matters have gotten better or worse since the inauguration speech on Capitol Hill.
But my guess is, the nation will never know for sure, regardless of the vigorousness of the politics and the vitriol of the president on just such an important night during Prime Time on network television. One thing for certain, though, you know for sure, if the president does not sing his own praises, there’s a problem.
Typically, those broad brush strokes of Americana bring on the cheers even from the Government Opposition Party at a news conference let alone during an annual national address.
Biden hit the keynote long and hard. “Freedom and democracy are under attack at home and overseas.”
And then Mr. President went into what can only be described as a sliver of foreign policy by warning the world that Russian President Vladimir Putin will not stop at Ukraine.
Biden also urged Congress not to step away from the United States’ position as world leader. And then the leader of the free world underscored that NATO is the strongest military alliance that the world has ever seen.
Finland and Sweden recently joining the military alliance was noted on Thursday night.
America has been going on and on for three years now about the little riot on Capitol Hill that occurred on January 6. Biden gave that political song and dance a bit more momentum by stating: ‘America stood strong, and democracy prevailed on January 6.’
Several rioters went too far, and were sent to jail for long prison sentences as a result. But the greatest punishment is that the rest of the world has to listen to the American chime about that important day, when a bunch of cos play fanatics from the backwoods and Davie Crocket cult members had too much moonshine and wacky tobacco to think that what they did might succeed and do some good.
Biden said that tonight of all nights was the “moment to speak the truth and burry the lies” and that the truth is that “you cannot love your country only when you win”.
A lot of innuendo was sent the way of the predecessor to Biden who between the lines was the cause of all sorts of American maladies that make him unelectable, and if failing that, defiantly unfit to govern because of his lack of respect for free and fare elections.
Six of the sitting Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States were waiting for some sort of acknowledgment. Three of the members were absent likely as some sort of designated survivor rule since a minimum of three justices are required to decide cases even in the wake of a nuclear bomb being detonated on Capitol Hill on the night of the State of the Union.
After all, in America, more and more the court decides who ultimately governs in Washington. And why should nuclear Armageddon change any of that progress evidenced by the jurisprudence.
Biden mentioned the court overturning the national abortion law enunciated in Row v. Wade. And then Biden mentioned the state of Alabama shutting down IVF clinics because of the SCOTUS decision regarding Roe v Wade. The decision had given state legislatures discretion regarding female reproductive rights, and the states had not been using that discretion wisely, according to the governing party in Washington.
Biden will be running for re-election partly on the platform of women being afforded the freedom to choose what to do with their own bodies.
America’s most wanted president set the court up to overturn the liberal laws of the last few decades by appointing enough right leaning authoritarian justices to the court during his presidency. And he, former President Donald Trump that is, was simultaneously cos playing as Elon Musk by commenting on his social media platform during the address, but the platform having imploded like a SpaceX experimental vehicle on the launch pad, the former president could not get his message of derision out to the public.
Biden then stole a few planks from the opponent’s playbook, having pulled out the nails by this point in the address, by stating that ‘Americans are writing the greatest comeback story never told.’
I’m serious, Biden actually said those exact words.
But you know, if the world is collapsing, you cannot really avoid mentioning the dilemma just because your opponent mentioned it first.
Nevertheless, I’m pretty certain though that Trump then flipped an emoticon or two when Biden rolled out his made in America program: ‘Built in America’.
Apparently, computer chips for cars were invented in America and have only been manufactured in America since Biden became president.
Then Trump likely flipped the bird at the digital device.
Why import them (the chips), when the chips can be made in America, with private sector investment, Biden queried.
Biden then distinguished himself from his colleague hiding out on a golf course resort house in Florida by advocating for ‘removing lead pipes so every child can drink clean water without the risk of brain damage.’
Biden also unabashedly spoke for the unions, something that even former president Barack Obama never seemed to do, not too often in any event.
“Wall Street did not build America – the Wall Street guys are not bad guys – it’s just that the middle class did (build America), and the unions built the middle class,” stated Biden, pulling into a historical context.
Trump was also sidelined with an oppositional tax policy that favoured everyone else that was not favoured by Trump’s corporate tax cuts, which is about 99% of Americans.
And you know, the State of the Union Address just went on and on like that with Biden racking up the political points by having reduced the cost of pharmacare by $160 billion and promising to do more, maybe another $200 billion.
The message is truthful though. And the message is an important one. The health bill in many western countries is just outrageously high with the majority of the national budgets being spent on medical care.
It’s difficult to know what Trump has to say now, because he side stepped all the primary debates, other than he would have a lot to say all night long about what ever he chose to talk about. And I know this based on his long winded State of the Union Address in 2020.
Now if there was ever a reason to not elect a candidate.
Trump believes in trickle down economics, which makes all his friends in corporate America rich. Biden believes in creating a middle class by raising uneducated people out of poverty and giving them an education and good job opportunities, which makes all his union friends rich.
Obama often just wanted to cut the cheese for the charcutier board and cater to the tender part of the corporate camp and the middle class.
Biden then went on to list programs he introduced that saved middle class Americans millions and billions and trillions of dollars.
And then Mr. President underscored that the billionaires can go on making billions, but they just have to start paying their fare share.
Biden’s list of economic miracles grew a bit longer.
And then Trump got a bit hot headed, probably.