Posted May 22nd, 2021 at 11:53 amNo Comments Yet

An apocalyptic pack rat, a Russian king and a turn of the century electrician, Nicholas Hoult moves up and down the ladder of worldly success.
When the world needed power to light the sprawling cities of the industrial age, Nikola Tesla was a defining influence.
Hoult shows how Nikola Tesla was always treated as an outsider while his ideas and inventions helped shape the modern age in The Current War (2017).
When the world needed escapism after the brutality of the Great War, J.R.R. Tolkien set his experiences inside fantastical literary adventures.
Hoult shows how Tolkien developed the body of literature from tragic life experiences in Tolkien (2019).
When the children of the Greatest Generation needed guidance, J.D. Salinger fictionalized the dilemma in one of the most influential novels in decades.
Hoult shows how the author of Catcher in the Rye (1951) became successful through persistent determination in Rebel in the Rye (2017).
The on screen character developed by Hoult can morph into various derivatives with a bit of makeup and a change of atmosphere.
In The Great (2020), costarring Elle Fanning as Catherine the Great, Hoult uses humor to illustrate the Russian monarchy as a caricature in decline.
Hoult shows how the Russian court had become a playground for the king who received his title for no other reason than by way of his hereditary right.
In The Favorite (2018), starring Olivia Coleman and Rachel Weisz, Hoult plays a politician with access to Queen Anne in the early 18th Century court.
Hoult shows how the Queen was in part manipulated by the politics of her own advisors.
Hoult has a presence on screen that allows him to go from comedy to drama to fantasy from film to film, and sometimes all in the same role such as the character Nux in the apocalyptic film Mad Max: Fury Road (2015). Nux begins on the inner circle to a war lord but then he gradually changes his views to support the rebellion.
Hoult may have started acting in a desert landscape, but with his ability to change the persona with a bit of spray paint and the nuances of a particular century, the road ahead is becoming ever greener.