Santa Claus is one of the great imposters of our culture.
To begin with, Santa Claus changed his name from Christopher Claus Kringle. And, Santa is perhaps one of the greatest, least known perpetrators of bertha fraud.
Originally a descendant of Saint Nicholas of Myra (Greece AD 270 – 343) the patron saint of children, Santa allegedly was born in 1900 on January 1 in New York City, but he has not aged since, and based on the Coca Cola ads, was instantly an old man with a long white beard.
Santa Claus is actually 16 centuries old. And no one has really seen an authentic one in person since then. Instead, he mysteriously appears for a few hours each year, and is best known for lurking about at night around people’s houses, living off ginger bread cookies and milk left inside by the fireplace, with mysterious simultaneous sightings by children all over the world.
Worst of all, are the animal cruelty allegations, with Santa enslaving reindeer stolen from Lapland, and forcing them to wear horse bridles and harnesses, with one, who goes by the name of Rudolph, being forced to dawn a bright red lightbulb apparatus that illuminates Santa’s escape route.
Santa at times employs himself as a double agent, promoting child happiness in capitalist democracies as well as in communist dictatorships.
And Santa defied a woman’s right to the control of her own body by denying his mother the infant she was expecting. Mrs. Kringle was likely startled to see the full grown Christopher in her maternity room, wearing a red flannel coat and trousers, with white cotton trim.
The entire Free World has been misled by Santa into celebrating Santa’s arrival on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, when really Santa’s Day is a Feast Day or Name Day on December 6 each year.
Few children know anymore that Christmas Day is actually the day to celebrate the arrival in the Holy Land of little baby Jesus.
At the same time, Santa does not receive the credit he deserves, such as for having invented and sensationalized to perfection fake news. The messaging of Santa’s arrival on Christmas Eve each year is unprecedent in its depth and breadth, and brazen grandeur.
Santa stows away most of the year, with more and more sightings the closer to Christmas, but there are typically many sightings of him all over the world, although wearing different disguises depending on the subtle cultural differences the particular hideout is known for.
Santa Claus has been seen in so many places, him residing in the North Pole for any realistic length of time is doubtful.
The Hungarians may be the most accurate in the assessment of Santa Claus’ integrity when they correctly assert, after centuries of investigation and affirmations, that Little Jesus comes on Christmas, while Saint Nicholous has already moved on from the feast day that occurred a few weeks before.
Most deplorably, Santa leads children to believe that he answers their mail, but government postal employees actually do the letter writings.
Santa Claus initially promised to bring peace and good will to humanity, but he now seems more motivated by capitalist materialism, and continues the manipulation of children’s magical thinking to sell upgraded smart phones.
Not exactly a Jekyll and Hyde, Santa may be more of a clown in the capitalistic, materialistic consumer oriented circus that the holy holiday has become.
The cultural icon personifies the double lives that people lead, those people at least who are merry for just a few hours every year, but then spend the rest of their time making all those toys for the other 354 days of the year – driving the elves in his work shop at below minimum wage no doubt.
Apparently, based on social media reports, Santa fired all the elves when he heard rumours one late night in September that the elves were organizing a special Christian-based trade union.
Santa Claus is probably unrecognizable as the toy shop manager from that of his popular jolly selfie.
The true imposter is typically one who is intentionally engaged in convincing people he is someone he is not.
The imposter has discovered that his real self, as the slavish toy shop manager, is not an acceptable image for other people or to society in general to revere him.
And so, eventhough this dark image may be Santa Claus for most of the year, he must then suddenly, in a row of narcissistic fantasy, begin to please the entire world. In this way, the narcissist recharges his self esteem in order to manage the toy shop all the other time.
These narcissists struggle to reconcile the social self with the private self. Reconciling this social self with the radically different introverted creative working through his ideas about toys and facilitating happiness among the world’s children, living in isolation for that better apart of 12 months in the toy workshop, is infinitely emotionally draining.